How to Troubleshoot your Computer or Laptop on Different Operating Systems
Computers and laptops are one of the most powerful tools we use in our day-to-day lives. Because of this, when they have issues, they can be detrimental to your operations, whether that be you losing time waiting for something to load, or in the worst-case scenario lose sensitive data. The positive news is that you may quickly fix most common computer problems like crashes, slow loading, or poor internet connections with some troubleshooting. In this article I will explain what troubleshooting is, and a step-by-step guide on how you can troubleshoot on your devices operating system. The operating systems I will discuss includes:
What is troubleshooting? Troubleshooting refers to a methodical approach to problem-solving that is used to identify and resolve problems with complex machines, electronics, computers and software systems. How do I troubleshoot? To access the option to troubleshoot on your machine can vary between which operating system you are using. Windows *It is crucial to know that Microsoft no longer supplies system updates to Windows 7 and 8. This includes software and security updates. You are still able use your machine, but you’re at a greater risk for viruses and malware. As they are older operating systems, they will also run slower. Your best bet would be to upgrade to either Windows 10 or 11. Windows 7 From your home screen of your computer/laptop
Windows 8 From your home screen of your computer/laptop
Windows 10 From your home screen of your computer/laptop
Windows 11 From your home screen of your computer/laptop
macOS macOS version 11 (and later) Ensure all non-essential external connections are unplugged (such as USB drives).
macOS version X 10.15 (or below) Ensure all non-essential external connections are unplugged (such as USB drives).
If you are not tech-savvy or trouble-shooting didn’t resolve your issue, do not fret. Here at Elite PC Systems, we specialise in solving computer and laptop issues. We provide both in-house and remote consultancy for all your IT related issues. If you have scanned your system with the trouble shooter and it has returned displaying that your system is clean, or you have followed the trouble shooters suggestions, scanned again and it returns displaying that it could not find any issues, but your problem still persists. This may be a sign that your system has been compromised. If this is the case, do not enter any sensitive personal information and turn off your machine. Then, bring your machine to us and we will scan your machine, we will then discuss with you the best course of action. Visit us at 44 Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NX. Or contact us at 01244 344366. We are open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 5:00* and we are always happy to help. *We may close early, due to being out on calls.
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